Booking policy.
Due to the high demand for our services, we ask that you agree to our terms and conditions before booking an appointment.
Booking and arrival
You must arrive 10 to 15 minutes before any appointment. This ensures your appointment runs for the full duration and gives you time to complete any required consent forms.
If you are a new client, you must pre-pay a non-refundable amount of $100 to secure your booking. this will be deducted off the total amount of your appointment.
We will send you a reminder via SMS 3 days before your appointment. If you must change your booking, you need to give us a minimum of 48 hours’ notice
To reschedule your appointment, call the clinic on (02) 6230 0691 or email
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we require 48 hours’ notice. If you are a new client we will need to hold onto your booking deposit. This policy protects our business and valued clients.
Where you cancel an initial appointment without sufficient notice and have prepaid, the entire amount is forfeited. If you have booked an initial consultation, this deposit is non-refundable.
We always do our best to accommodate last-minute changes, but the high demand for our services only allows us to provide a small window for genuine short-notice cancellations.
Same Day Cancellations
If you cancel 48 hours before your appointment you will be charged 50% of the treatment price.
If you cancel 24 hours before your appointment you will be charged 100% of the treatment price.
We accept cash, Eftpos, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Afterpay (on transactions over $500).
All treatments must be paid for on the day. If you do not pay on the day, you will be banned from the clinic and all future appointments will be canceled. In some cases, we will notify authorities and retain the right to legally pursue outstanding funds.